What is traditional Mace of the past? Mace was taken of the market over 15 years ago after 1,000’s of officers were injured in the line of duty. Unfortunately, mace of the past was ineffective on those under the influence of alcohol, drugs or psychotics. This would most likely be the majority of individuals that you would be forced to use the product on. What is pepper spray? What does it do? A 1-Second blast of Pepper Spray will render an individual incapacitated for 15 minutes to over an hour. Pepper Spray is an inflammatory agent it will IMMEDIATELY: induce coughing, choking, nausea, it will dilates the capillaries of the eyes causing temporary blindness, the mucous membranes will swell to the point of cutting off all but life support breathing, causes intense burning and an assailant to be temporarily incapacitated. Remember that Mace is also a brand of pepper spray in today's self defense products market. Defender Defender Mace Defender is my favorite always order a...